Thursday, April 14, 2011

#11: The Future of the Internet

3 Predictions 

1. Audio web surfing

Dick Tracey was ahead of the curve
With the importance of accessibility getting the recognition it deserves lately, I think screen readers will soon take a front seat as a common means for surfing a site for a much broader audience.
2. Web surf on any device
It seems the tech industry is eager to integrate the Internet into every device these days. Refridgerators and other appliances might create new opportunities and challenges for interfacing.
Web surf on any deviceContent is king – no matter what. As seemingly redundant or over the top it might seem to have a screen built into the kitchen counter – if it doubles as a cutting board, all the better.
Dishwasher Safe
3. Input revisited
The recent boom in smartphone devices has shown us that tiny screens and suddenly awkward digits can sometimes make for a cumbersome user experience. Our traditional concepts of input applied to the next generation could be confounded more as the devices and environments change. 

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